May 2022 – SEPAC Greenland

‘Locally produced beverages’ is the theme of Sepac’s 2022 series, as the network of small European Posts continues to provide insight into issues common to Sepac’s 13 members. The Small European Postal Administration Cooperation (SEPAC) is an organization made up of several small European postal operators. To become a member, the following criteria must be Read More …

Liechtenstein – New issues June 2022

Wenn Sie auf die Überschriften klicken kommen Sie direkt zu der Liechtensteinischen Post mit mehr Informationen In memoriam Fürstin Marie von und zu Liechtenstein In August 2021, Princess Marie von und zu Liechtenstein passed away at the age of 82. With the noble special souvenir sheet “I.D. Princess Marie” (value CHF 6.30), Philately Liechtenstein now Read More …

German Stamp of the Year 2021

No, not Easter, but the results of the public vote for the most beautiful German special issue stamp of the year 2021 I want to present here. All 52 special stamps newly issued last year were up for selection. 32,000 people cast their votes in the Deutsche Post survey. Interestingly, the first four places are Read More …

The stamp exchange now in Ulm!

The International Stamp Fair, for many years the annual top event of the industry at the Sindelfingen Fair, has moved. From October 27 to 29, 2022, to the great delight of us all, the event will make its grand comeback in the Danube city of Ulm after the Corona break. The supporting program will be Read More …