December 2020-2: Stamps of the D.D.S.G.

Cancelled stamps of the DDSG.

The year 2020 ends on a nice philatelic note. Werner has given us another philatelic present. This time with stamps of the “First Imperial and Royal Private Danube Steamship Company” (D.D.S.G.). Founded in 1829, the DDSG started services to Budapest as early as 1830 and rapidly expanded its route network to the mouth of the Danube. From 1845 onwards, the DDSG’s mail transport was limited to the Lower Danube, but it steadily increased in importance, so that the company even put its own stamps into circulation from 1866 onwards. Between 1866 and 1878, 4 stamps were issued, some in different editions, types, and perforations. With their independence, the individual Balkan states created independent postal services, thus making the DDSG Post unnecessary. There were 53 agencies (offices) where DDSG letters could be posted. 4 DDSG stamps are shown here, postmarked in the agencies Oltenitza, Galaz, Giurgevo and Braila (all in present-day Romania).

You can learn a few more details about the postal history of the DDSG and today’s DDSG in the following quiz. Just answer the questions (or not). Either way, if you click on “to the solution”, the correct answer to the question will be displayed, sometimes also with a small text explaining / giving background information.

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